Saturday, 25 January 2014

Another stormy day

We anchored just after sunrise this morning outside St. John harbour. As predicted, there were gale force winds (35-45 knots). It got so strong that even with 9 shots (810 feet) of anchor chain out, we were still dragging it on the bottom and slowly drifting towards shore. This basically meant we had to pull up the anchor, fire up the engine, and motor around until the wind and waves died down. Which they still haven't really yet.  The seas were approaching 20 feet from trough to crest,  if not more when the tide was going out (tide going one way, wind going the other). It did not get rocky though until part way through our evening game of cards when we had to out the waves on our side to get back towards where we were trying to anchor a second time. We are rolling quite heavily as I write this actually. I should probably go stow stuff before a bottle of shampoo or something falls and breaks. We are  supposed to be in St. John tomorrow morning but I will keep the updates going!

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